
get parameter of request

  • Java
Enumeration<String> paramEnum =	request.getParameterNames();
	String paramName = paramEnum.nextElement();
	String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
	System.out.println(paramName + "=" + paramValue);
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=GBK");
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.write("submit success");



    request.getParameter() 和request.getAttribute() 区别

    request.getParameter() 和request.getAttribute() 区别

    java web 修改request携带的参数信息



    对request请求进行拦截,对请求参数修改。常用于前台提交表单参数关键字的过滤。此工具可以对参数拦截并转义后提交到对应的处理类。 除了添加两个JsFilter.java和GetHttpServletRequestWrapper.java之外,需要在web....


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